Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Take Care

Amy and Class,

I wanted to end this class blog with a quick THANK YOU! It has been a pleasure to have class with you all. A special THANKS to my group mates! It has been a blast working on the projects and laughing at the Dude for all his craziness. Amy-you have been a great help and a vast source of information. Thank you for taking the time to teach and help prepare us to teach. I cannot wait to apply what we have learned! Good luck to all in your future teaching, I hope to run into you all out in the "real world."

Take Care,

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Chapter 9

As I read "Big Shift #7: The Web as Notebook," the environmentally conscious part of me, smiled. I like the idea of students doing as many assignments as possible without the use of endless amounts of paper, killing acres of trees. Also, the idea that students will be able to keep a record of their assignments for future use is excellent. Teachers could also design a space for students to post notes that they should review before CATS testing. That way students could go back and look over the things that may be covered.

Technology Autobiography 2

As the end of our class approaches, I read my original autobiography and reflected on it. I find that my views have not changed, but strengthened. I hope that I will one day teach to a class that has their own laptops. The course text states over and over how important it is for students to have constant access to technology. I am lucky that through a grant from General Electric, I will have a tablet laptop and LCD projector because I teach science. This will help me to include technology in my instruction, but I also hope to have at least a few computers in my classroom to utilize. Most schools only have one computer lab and time can be hard to come by. I am also willing to look at used or refurbished laptops that I can purchase at a discount to use in my room if we are without classroom computers. After this class, I think of computers as a necessity rather than a luxury.

At the start of Teaching with Technology, I thought that I would learn some new technologies. But I never imagined I would want to use them all! I did come into this class hating blogs and seeing no real use for them in my classroom. I have now changed my mind. I forced myself to use blogging as a technology for the midterm project. After doing so, I really do want to use it in my classroom. And selfishly, I love the fact that I can grade all my students' work without a huge stack of paper to go through.

As the semester progressed, I tried to look at each new technology as a middle school student. I found them all to be fun and something that my students will be capable of doing. And because of our midterm and final, I have found a way to use each of my favorites within the standards. This will be immensely useful when I go to actually teach those lessons, I will already have an idea in mind on how to make it interesting for my classes.

I am thankful that this course was a part of our program and hope that I am able to take more like it in the future. Technology is ever evolving and I need to keep up, so that my students don't totally pass me by.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Web Quest

Mr. Whitehead,

I wanted to take a moment to explain to you why we should present Web Quests as a classroom tool at our summer professional development seminars. Web Quests are a great way for students to learn about or to increase their knowledge on a subject while safely exploring the internet. Teachers design the Web Quest and provide their students with links to specific web sites that have appropriate content. This is a new and exciting way for students to answer any question a teacher wants to ask.
Please take the time to look at this example: http://www.questgarden.com/47/99/7/070320082834/
Wasn't that fun?! Do not worry, our teachers could easily do this. There a tools out there that just ask you to fill in the blank and it is done. It is very simple to take an existing lesson plan and turn it into a Web Quest. I am very willing to teach this PD. I would group teachers by subject area and have them develop a Web Quest for them to use next school year. I believe that this is an excellent way for our school to integrate technology in every subject area. It might even spark those reluctant teachers to start exploring the use of technology in their classrooms. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Thank you for your time.

Karen Letendre

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Chapter 6

I wish that I had known about Furl from the start of my MAT experience. There have been so many good sites I have discovered along the way. I have added some to my favorites, but my husband and I currently share a laptop; so I did not want to put a bunch of stuff on it that he would have to wade through to find his favorites. If I had known it could be done to a website where it would be neatly tucked away, I would already have a vast library of reference sites. I also like the idea that it could be accessed from home or school on any computer. Another great feature is that when you save a page, you get a snapshot of the page to see forever, even if the page is taken down.

Also, I like the idea of a furl account for team teachers. All science teachers (for example) could have a shared Furl account where they post websites that have cool experiment ideas that relate to our curriculum). I learn best by doing and most students are the same way. So, the more hands on we can make science, the more fun it becomes, and more is retained by the students.

And for pure laziness sake, I love the feature that will automatically format a website into MLA (or other) format for use in a bibliography. That is an excellent use of technology, but I am sure that I am making English and future English teachers cringe. But hey, I have done it on my own until now, and couldn't we all use any extra time we can save?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Chapter 8


The book gives a suggestion for science teachers to have their students use podcasting to record their thought processes during a lab or dissection. I do like that idea, because that student could play it back and we could have a discussion on metacognition (thinking about the way we think). Also, it could help those students who are struggling. If they listen to their peers' talking their way through the lab, it may help them develop better thought processes.

I also had an idea of my own. I want to connect what we are doing in the classroom to current events in science. I originally planned on having my students bring in a science newspaper article that interested them and do a presentation on it. But now, I think that the class should get together on a current event in science to do a podcast on. It will help the class to become more invested in what we are doing and to take ownership of what is presented. This would be because they would not only be talking to their class of 30 peers, but to the world. We could present the topic and our opinion on it. I am really excited about this idea, and can't wait to try it out. I think that anything we can do to allow the parents and administrators access into our classroom community, will help them connect to us.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Chapter 4

Okay, wikis. Until we talked in class, and I read this chapter--I only saw wikis as a research tool. And I wasn't sure they were a good one, at that. But, as I read page 64, I had what I consider to be a great and unique idea.

I see my role as a teacher is to not only teach content material, but to also prepare them for life after school. I think that the internet is a great place to do research, but I also believe that kids need to know how to use books, journals, magazines, and newspapers to look for information. So, I thought I would have my classes do a research paper without the internet's help. Then we would look up our topic on some wikis. Then students could see how accurate/inaccurate the information is on the internet. It is my hope that they would find mostly accurate information. But I would like for them to find information missing from the wiki that they consider vital to their topic. I would also hope they would find one or two inaccuracies. This would allow them to add/correct information. They could learn that while the internet is a great tool, with vast amounts on information, it is still only as good as the author of that information.

I also loved the Holocaust Wiki Project http://www.ahistoryteacher.com/holocaust/tiki-index.php I used to read the pick-an-outcome books when I was young. I loved the ability to choose where the story would go. That is an absolutely ingenious way to use a wiki. I also am very interested in the Holocaust. I had a great uncle that lost his life because he was hiding his Jewish girlfriend. They were both sent to the camps.

Good luck to all on their movies--I can't wait to see them!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Starting my movie

This is not my first movie maker experience. I had the pleasure of taking Reading/Writing with Sara Kajder. She loves technology in the classroom and advocates it be used as much as possible. Anyway, knowing how to use the program is helpful. However, this is the first time I have done something to use in the classroom. It was more difficult than I thought. I felt like I had to make a good impression. I am so glad that I will be using this as an icebreaker, because I am sure that I will be nervous on my first day!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

"Adopt and Adapt" and "Synching Up With The iKid"

Both articles stress the importance of technology in the classroom. I agree, and have always thought the same as Josh McHugh's statement in iKid. "Teachers in every strata of education are increasingly dealing with a student population that is not only more wired than they are but also grew up in a techno drenched atmosphere that has trained them to absorb and process information in a fundamentally different ways." "You have to work with the kind of brains we've got now."

Today's students are used to be bombarded with information from every angle. They will be chatting online, watching television, and shopping on the internet, all at the same time. So, when they get to school, just sitting there and listening to the teacher talking--is not stimulating enough. It is not wonder that they whisper to their neighbor , or write notes to one another. Actually, they are probably text messaging each other. This is a hard thing for teachers to understand. And, as much as I hate to admit it, (because I do not thing that I am that far removed from them) me, too. I was expected to listen to my teachers for as long as they wanted to talk, and pay attention. I think that is no longer an acceptable expectation.

My teachers in the MAT program have said time and time again, that your students must be engaged in the material for them to learn. Technology is the best way to get them engaged.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Flickr Project

Our Flicker project is based on core content SC-04-2.3.1, which tells us to classify earth materials by the way they are used. We will use the pictures to open the discussion on how to classify Earth's materials and then discuss the way they are used. Here is the link to our Flickr page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7225676@N04/

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Chapter 7

Okay, so I have made myself promise to keep this entry brief because I absolutely LOVE photography! I was on the yearbook staff in school and took black and white photography in college. Now I snap pictures whenever I can and scrapbook as often as I find the time. So, this chapter was right up my alley. Anything that will help me integrate photography into my classroom is very welcome.

My favorite application for Flickr is the annotation component. This could be a great study tool for my students. I could place annotations on the planets, anatomy of the frog, etc. Then students could guess and check themselves by placing the mouse over the marked spot, when studying for a quiz or test.

Also, you could also use Flickr to share students' projects with other classes and parents. For example, I could take a picture of everyones' cell models and post them in an album. Then students or parents could comment on what they see.

Okay, one last thought. I really appreciate that Flickr members police the material that is posted to keep the site content safe for all.

Chapter 5

RSS was new to me, but I am interested in learning more about it. It is really great that the book breaks it down into terms that are understandable. The book also advises us to take it slow so that we can really understand the possibilities of RSS. Something that definitely peaked my interest was that it will be just the content that I choose, no ads and no spam. That is a beautiful thing.

The book warns that it may seem like a lot of information at first, but not to feel overwhelmed. That does concern me, especially since the chapter does go on to say that you should check your RSS feeds daily. I have so little time right now, and the thought of adding something that should be done daily to my list, turns me off. However, I really think that as I learn to fish through all the information for what is important to me--I will really like it.

I am not sure if I would have my students have their own RSS for class, but maybe have one for all my classes. That way we can collect the latest scientific information. We can discuss the information and respond to current events. Any time you can connect your subject to real life, that helps students to realize why what we are doing is important.

Chapter 3

"And as we all know, when a teacher believes in what she's doing and is confident in her tools, well, it rubs off on even the most resistant of students." I totally agree with this statement. When you are passionate about something it shows, and is contagious. I am so excited to use technology in my classroom, but am still not sure how much blogs will be a part of it. If I am going to use blogs, I need to keep blogging and find that passion that can rub off on my students.

I did like that the book started to loosen up on the "blogging rules" and said that it is okay to blog just for fun. I didn't need to book to give me permission, it just makes me like the author more. But, as a side note...Is anyone else tired of seeing the internet referred to as the Read/Write Web?

I also liked how the book explained, step-by-step, how to use the functions of Blogger. Showing you how to make it a safe place for your students is really important. For me to implement blogging in my classroom, I would need to be assured that it would be as safe as possible. It does stink that Jefferson County has blocked that site. Even if I do not use blogs in my classroom, I see the validity of its use and would be glad to help those that want to challenge that decision.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Class Question

What strategies do you use when you research?

Most of my current research involves questions from my clients, at LabCorp. So, I will usually contact the head of the department to which they have the question. These discussions take place in person, on the phone, or via email.

When I do research for school or personal issues, I mostly use the internet. I grew up going to the library and looking up information there. I even know how to use a card catalog! Which, may show my age in this class, but I am willing to take the risk and share. But, now that the internet makes so much info accessible to me at home on my couch, I depend on it.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Chapter 2

The second chapter in our textbook is all about Weblogs. I was introduced to blogging last semester. I knew it was out there, but not much about it. And to be perfectly honest, I am not a big fan. So, I was hoping that this chapter would convert me.

There is a statement on the third page, which does not help in this effort. "Just about every post in his blog has a link in it which is just a part of good blog practice. (Being able to connect ideas and resources via linking is one of Weblogging's most important strengths)." Why does blogging have to have rules? Can't we just use the space as we want? I certainly have not linked my previous entries to anywhere else. Does that not make them valid? And, if I choose to use blogs in my classroom, I am certainly not going to ask my students to link if they do not want to. And there are more rules on page thirty-two.

I can see the validity of using blogs to have a collaborative space. It would be great to assign my students a response for them to put in their blogs and have students comment on their classmates' answers as well. It would provide a more efficient method of peer grading. I also like the idea of a space where students and parents can go to access information for my class. Posting assignments for those that are absent will be as helpful to my students as it will be to me. It puts the responsibility for the make-up work in their hands. It would also allow them to work on some of it while they are out, if they are able.

I am still on the fence about requiring that my students have their own blog, but I am willing to try it out and see how it goes.

Chapter 1

The chapter starts with a discussion on when the internet was created. And though I can remember life without the internet, I now do not know what I would do without it. I cannot tell you the last time a day went by when I did not sign on at least once. My husband and I pay an insane amount for cable internet and have purchased a wireless system so that our laptop is connected.

The chapter goes on to say, "The online life has become an entire strategy for how to live, survive, and thrive in the twenty-first century where cyberspace is a part of everyday life." At first glance, I thought this statement a bit extreme. My parents rarely use the internet, yet they survive. But as I gave it more thought, they do have trouble accessing information, or contacting companies without the use of the internet. I know that I would feel at a loss of where to go to get some of the information I look to cyberspace to provide.

The last part of the chapter talks about how to keep kids safe on the internet. This is a subject that I am very passionate about. If you read my Technology Autobiography, I talked about how nice it would be if every student could have a laptop to take home. But, I do worry about the unsupervised use at home. I am sure that some parents would monitor, but I am equally as sure that some would not. And even the best of filters cannot catch everything. The book's solution is to discuss appropriate use of the internet with your students. And some kids may listen. However, kids are curious by nature and most will take a peek.

Just as a side note, has anyone else noted that spellcheck does not recognize the word "internet?" Somewhat ironic, eh?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Technology Autobiography

Ah, playing Oregon Trail and Number Munchers...my first memory of computers in the lab at Greathouse Elementary. As I progressed through the grades, I used computers more and more. I mostly used them for word-processing, but by high school I was using CD-Roms and the internet to do research. In college, I learned to use Power Point, Excel, and delved more deeply into what was available on the internet. Now, working in a corporate environment, I use computers everyday which has made me comfortable with them and their programs. I know quite a bit about the internet, but not enough about social websites. I realize that a lot of my students will be using them, and I need to be more familiar with those applications.

Computers are a valuable resource in the classroom. In my ideal world, each child would be provided a laptop for the school year. This would allow each student to have computer access at home, as well as during the school day. I plan to use computers as often as is appropriate. I would like to be able to assign projects that require the use of a computer. Technology enhances the learning experience. Kids live to use the latest technologies and when a teacher lets them use computers in class, they are all for it.

Teacher's should also use technology to enhance their instruction. I am a firm believer that kids do not learn well by reading the chapter and answering the questions at the end. Lessons need to be fresh and interesting to catch the attention of kids in this fast-paced, constant stimulation world. If you can give them something to look at, listen to, and do with their hands--they are totally engaged and paying attention to the lesson. Adding pictures or a movie clip to a lecture, can help grab students' attentions and help with retention. This will also incorporates visual and auditory learning styles into the same lesson, reaching more students.