Thursday, March 1, 2007

Chapter 7

Okay, so I have made myself promise to keep this entry brief because I absolutely LOVE photography! I was on the yearbook staff in school and took black and white photography in college. Now I snap pictures whenever I can and scrapbook as often as I find the time. So, this chapter was right up my alley. Anything that will help me integrate photography into my classroom is very welcome.

My favorite application for Flickr is the annotation component. This could be a great study tool for my students. I could place annotations on the planets, anatomy of the frog, etc. Then students could guess and check themselves by placing the mouse over the marked spot, when studying for a quiz or test.

Also, you could also use Flickr to share students' projects with other classes and parents. For example, I could take a picture of everyones' cell models and post them in an album. Then students or parents could comment on what they see.

Okay, one last thought. I really appreciate that Flickr members police the material that is posted to keep the site content safe for all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your passion about photography jumps off the page when I read this post! I am glad you are excited about Flickr and I hope you will share some of what you have learned in class tomorrow night.