Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Chapter 4

Okay, wikis. Until we talked in class, and I read this chapter--I only saw wikis as a research tool. And I wasn't sure they were a good one, at that. But, as I read page 64, I had what I consider to be a great and unique idea.

I see my role as a teacher is to not only teach content material, but to also prepare them for life after school. I think that the internet is a great place to do research, but I also believe that kids need to know how to use books, journals, magazines, and newspapers to look for information. So, I thought I would have my classes do a research paper without the internet's help. Then we would look up our topic on some wikis. Then students could see how accurate/inaccurate the information is on the internet. It is my hope that they would find mostly accurate information. But I would like for them to find information missing from the wiki that they consider vital to their topic. I would also hope they would find one or two inaccuracies. This would allow them to add/correct information. They could learn that while the internet is a great tool, with vast amounts on information, it is still only as good as the author of that information.

I also loved the Holocaust Wiki Project http://www.ahistoryteacher.com/holocaust/tiki-index.php I used to read the pick-an-outcome books when I was young. I loved the ability to choose where the story would go. That is an absolutely ingenious way to use a wiki. I also am very interested in the Holocaust. I had a great uncle that lost his life because he was hiding his Jewish girlfriend. They were both sent to the camps.

Good luck to all on their movies--I can't wait to see them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Neat idea about the research paper, Karen. Might even make for a good article to discuss what your students find. At least you should blog about it!!