Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Technology Autobiography

Ah, playing Oregon Trail and Number Munchers...my first memory of computers in the lab at Greathouse Elementary. As I progressed through the grades, I used computers more and more. I mostly used them for word-processing, but by high school I was using CD-Roms and the internet to do research. In college, I learned to use Power Point, Excel, and delved more deeply into what was available on the internet. Now, working in a corporate environment, I use computers everyday which has made me comfortable with them and their programs. I know quite a bit about the internet, but not enough about social websites. I realize that a lot of my students will be using them, and I need to be more familiar with those applications.

Computers are a valuable resource in the classroom. In my ideal world, each child would be provided a laptop for the school year. This would allow each student to have computer access at home, as well as during the school day. I plan to use computers as often as is appropriate. I would like to be able to assign projects that require the use of a computer. Technology enhances the learning experience. Kids live to use the latest technologies and when a teacher lets them use computers in class, they are all for it.

Teacher's should also use technology to enhance their instruction. I am a firm believer that kids do not learn well by reading the chapter and answering the questions at the end. Lessons need to be fresh and interesting to catch the attention of kids in this fast-paced, constant stimulation world. If you can give them something to look at, listen to, and do with their hands--they are totally engaged and paying attention to the lesson. Adding pictures or a movie clip to a lecture, can help grab students' attentions and help with retention. This will also incorporates visual and auditory learning styles into the same lesson, reaching more students.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's exciting to read your post and learn that you are looking for ways to inspire students through your teaching.