Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Chapter 9

As I read "Big Shift #7: The Web as Notebook," the environmentally conscious part of me, smiled. I like the idea of students doing as many assignments as possible without the use of endless amounts of paper, killing acres of trees. Also, the idea that students will be able to keep a record of their assignments for future use is excellent. Teachers could also design a space for students to post notes that they should review before CATS testing. That way students could go back and look over the things that may be covered.


CCC said...

I also admit that a paperless classroom excites the environmentalist in me! This is especially true after seeing how much paper students and teachers waste. The only concern that I have is that I am so accustomed to revising work that is printed out, and I wonder if I can help students revise their work without having a hard copy. I am willing to give it a try though. And journal entries and reading logs could definitely be done on a student blog. Karen, you and me are going to save the forests!

Ross said...

I am having brain fry since I just finished up my portfolio that I have been working on all week during my spring break...yeah!!
...so please excuse if my comment doesn't make sense.

I think that cutting down on paperwork is another bonus. I am beginning to think that if we use certain technologies wisely, it may actually begin to make our jobs as teachers a little easier, certainly more efficient....at least it's a good thought.. huh!

CCC said...

I agree with Ross (and yes I am both horrified and shocked at this occurrence). But nevertheless, you should read the Epilogue to Richardson's book. It shows how much a teacher who uses technology can get done in 45 minutes. I think technology does have the potential to make our lives easier, and as teachers that is something that we desperately need.